town people 意味

  • 町民{ちょうみん}


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. the restaurant opened with the help of the town people
    レストランに関して わが校は 町に協力はしたが
  2. since the muromachi period , chanoyu (tea ceremony ) came into style among the merchant class town people of kyoto and sakai city , as a popular amusement .
  3. in view of the history of tea ceremony , it is worthy of special mention that omote-senke played a role in its penetration into town people since the times of kakukakusai .
  4. by the horeki era , edo had gained recognition as ' japan ' s foremost land ' spurred by the emergence of the town people called as ' edokko ' for their distinctive spirit .
  5. in the age of kyoho , when the sowa-ryu school was dominant among the town people in nagoya , kakukakusai dispatched shuha machida to nagoya by their request to give them lessons of the tea ceremony .


        in the town:    in the town 市上 しじょう
        in the town of:    《be ~》~の町にいる
        in town:    {形} :
        in-town:    {形} :
        on the town:    {1} : (ナイトクラブ?バーなどで)浮かれ楽しんで The young men are out on the town without dates. 若い男性は、デート相手もなしに浮かれ楽しんでいる。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 生活保護{せいか
        that town:    that town 同町 どうちょう
        the town:    the town 市井 しせい 町内 ちょうない
        town:     town n. 町, 都市; (いなかに対し)都会; 首都 《イギリスでは特にロンドン》; (郊外に対して)都心地区; 町民, 市民. 【動詞+】 They abandoned the town. 町を捨てていった besiege a town (軍隊などが)都市を包囲する build a town 町を建設する The town must
        drift from town to town:    町から町へと転々{てんてん}とする
        town after town:    町々、街々、多くの[多数の]町[街?都市] Battles demolished town after town. 戦いで(多くの)町々が破壊された。
        people:     1people n. 人々, 人民, 従者, 家族; 国民, 民族. 【動詞+】 The inn can accommodate 300 people. その宿屋は 300 人収容できる arouse the people to the need for reform 国民を啓もうして改革の必要性を知らせる medical research that wi
        people with:    ~で満たす
        such people:    そんな人たち
        the people:    the people 民人 みんじん 衆 しゅう 衆生 しゅじょう 蒸民 烝民 じょうみん 億兆 おくちょう 衆人 しゅうじん 有衆 ゆうしゅう 世人 せじん
        will of the people:    民意{みんい}


  1. "town on a frontier" 意味
  2. "town on a river" 意味
  3. "town organization" 意味
  4. "town originally built around a temple or shrine" 意味
  5. "town paved with bricks" 意味
  6. "town personality" 意味
  7. "town physician" 意味
  8. "town plan" 意味
  9. "town planner" 意味
  10. "town originally built around a temple or shrine" 意味
  11. "town paved with bricks" 意味
  12. "town personality" 意味
  13. "town physician" 意味

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